Monday, January 7, 2008

So, Um, Yeah.

Today was my first day back at school. And you'll never guess what happened.

I had to go home. Of course.

MAJOR pain behind poor stoma. I left almost as soon as I came. Very annoying.

It didn't help that it was MONDAY, either. Starting school on a Monday was not a very good call. Everyone was sooo miserable. Especially those of us with an ostomy bag.

And yes, Haley, my closet cleaning was very successful. So now it's time for SHOPPING to fill up the now-empty spaces!

Remember to nominate me for a Bloggie!! Nominate under the Best Teen Blog category. I know that I have a readership of, like, four, but maybe four nominations can get me somewhere.

By the way, Juno is the greatest movie ever. You should see it. My bag kind of ruined it by leaking super-majorly halfway through, though. Ah, the power of a leaking ostomy bag and fresh, liquidy poop all over your belly.

This is a short post because my hands are not working today, and I'm tired and hungry.

Don't forget to vote for me!!


Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's a New Year And...

My bag is seriously NOT cooperating. The reason I haven't blogged for more than a week is because my bag is leaking EVERY SINGLE DAY. That's ALL CAPS so I'm MAD.

I got my own computer so I'm not allowed to use my mom's anymore. And it's been waiting and waiting for me to use it. I just set it up a couple days ago. All by myself.

Back to my leaky bag. It's leaked every single day for the past week and a half, if not longer. I just got a good fit yesterday but I don't want to jinx it! I'm not in a very good mood. Whenever my bag leaks it really brings me down.

I was nominated for a Bloggie by the amazing Diane! So nominate me or I will spill my ostopoop on you. And I didn't put Stop Drops in this morning so it's gonna stink.

My sister just threw gum at me.

Nominate me for the Best Teen Blog category because I've already been nominated twice. Yes, I nominated myself. Shuttup.

Did I tell you? I don't know if I told you. I got a completely adorable, amazingly cute, evil, vicious, growling puppy! But she's so cute and fluffy so we don't care that she's bad.

I present to you: Casey and Pepper.

But Pepper has a dark side, too. She likes to bite, and when she gets crazy, she's crazy.

I have absolutely nothing to blog about. This has got to be the most boring blog I've ever written. I'm boring myself.

But you should NOMINATE ME FOR A BLOGGIE. I realize that this is, like, soo boring, but if you need reassurance go read my earlier stuff or my stuff from November or December. I had a lot to write about then. Not like now. Where my life is uninterest-

OOH! I GOT IT! Surgery news. Well, my contrast test didn't turn out so good, as the radiologist was quick to say. But when Dr. Thompson looked at them again he said that the leak isn't as bad as we thought. He's going to show the studies to a colon-rectal surgeon at UM and get a second opinion. I was supposed to have the surgery tomorrow, but again, not happening. Hate fortune cookies. Hate my superstitiousness. Did I spell that right?

Today I'm going to clean out my closet. It's a new year. I have an interesting life. Really, ostomy bags don't make you interesting, they just make you skinny and boring.